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Cosmetic Packaging: Cleaning Method Of Dropper Bottle


Cosmetic Packaging: Cleaning Method Of Dropper Bottle

Dropper bottles are now often used as packaging materials for cosmetics such as lotion bottles, essential oil bottles, and essence bottles. Finally, I want to use the dropper bottle again. How should I clean the dropper bottle at this time?


The following is a brief introduction to the cleaning method of the dropper bottle.

Of course, the dropper bottle can’t wash off the oil with just water. Soak it with detergent and water. It is recommended to use hot water faster, or an alkaline detergent. You can prepare a clean brush or makeup brush and dip it in a neutral one. Detergents or shampoos are also available. Gently brush the brush with cold water to clean the corners and corners, and then rinse with plenty of water. The dropper is to repeatedly suck the water with cleaning agent, drop it, and then suck water for washing.

If the dropper bottle needs to be cleaned with alcohol, use 70-75% medical alcohol, add some to the bottle and shake the bottle, let the inner wall fully contact the alcohol, pour it out, and repeat. Then add pure alcohol, shake the bottle, pour it out, and let it dry. The function of the latter step is not mainly for cleaning, but pure alcohol volatilizes very quickly. Using this method to remove a small amount of residual moisture on the inner wall, it usually dries in a few minutes, which is relatively fast. If there is no alcohol or other convenient methods to clean, use pure water or distilled water, such as the bottled one, add it to the cleaned bottle, shake and rinse the inner wall, pour it out, repeat the above steps three to five times, and then hang it upside down Let it dry, and that's about it.

The standard of whether the dropper bottle is clean or not, the general inspection method is to look at the light, if there is no drop of water hanging on the inner wall, but a uniform water film, it is clean.